Landscapes taken out of a fairy tale…

Everywhere in Greece, there are places and sights associated with various myths and legends. Where history is involved and a unique veil is created that covers human beings and mythical presences. One of them is located in the Peloponnese and is called – not unfairly – as the Greek “mythical” forest of Greece. The reason for the forest of Centaurs, the beautiful Foloe. Where one of Hercules’ best-known feats unfolded. A weekend excursion destination you’ll never forget.

Foloe: The Greek “mythical” forest you should visit

Foloe is a truly magical place that takes you any time of year. It is located in Elia and is essentially the only flat forest in Greece. It is even the place where according to Greek mythology Hercules met with his friend Centaur Folos in his attempt to fulfill the promise he made to Eurystheus. Who was that? To catch Erymanthios boar alive and seal his fourth feat victoriously.

Eurystheus was certain that Hercules could not catch the boar considering that this would be impossible for anyone to do. However, Hercules and despite the expectations of Eurystheus managed to lead the animal to the Gorge of Foloi on the bridge of Beri that had been clogged with a net. As soon as he caught it, he took it on his shoulders alive and took it to Mycenae. There, when Eurystheus saw Hercules carrying the boar, he hid in a large pit. Hercules sent the boar’s teeth to the Temple of Apollo of Kimi.

weekend excursion

Photo Source: Inelekontes

Autumn getaway in Foloi

The mythical Forest of Foloe is an ideal destination to spend a weekend different from the others. You’ll get enough nature, fresh air, and very beautiful moments. There, at the southern foothills of the Erymanthos Mountain Range and just 25 km away from Ancient Olympia, is a place that will turn you into an explorer. Paths lost under vegetation and running water promise you a completely different experience.

If you’re a naturalist and you like hiking trails, you’ll love the specifics you’ll find there. The distance from Athens is about 3 hours so it is an ideal destination for an autumn weekend and an excursion away from the city’s city. In the mythical forest of Foloe unfolds another view of the Peloponnese and as you walk there you will think that maybe next to you pass a centaur taken out of the myth…

Photo Source: Eustatius Papadopoulos