ABOUT US – Travel Video Guide of Greece


The mission of this platform is, through the incomparable strength of video in relation to the other media, to provide the potential traveler, in its initial stage, the basic information that they should know about the city or destination they are visiting in a quick, simple and easy manner.

Basic information includes transportation, accommodation and dining subjects.  Specifically, videos that aim to present the choices someone has when they arrive at an airport, the public transport systems and their hours of operation, taxi services, rental car services but also the cultural differences and the expectations that he will face. Also, information is presented about hotels in which the visitor can select to stay in as well as restaurants in which to eat. In regard to more general information, such as weather, foreign exchange, city architecture and its ‘personality,’ there should be videos that introduce the visitor to these subjects.

On a second stage, it aims to familiarize the viewer with the given destination and present the many possibilities that it has to offer to its visitors. This category includes videos about archaeological sites, monuments and other sights. There are also videos dedicated to various types of museums, art galleries, libraries, and generally large centers that are tourist attractions.

There also could be theme videos in which a local shows the viewer the local cuisine, nightlife and main attractions so that the visitor could feel comfortable in the city before they even arrive.

The platform is made of videos of the highest quality. Their duration varies from two to five minutes so that the viewer will not get bored or tired. All the videos have narration, while some also have a presenter. A special category of videos has the presenter reporting on a specific topic outside the studio and out on the town. In that manner there is a feeling of liveliness and immediacy, while the information is communicated in a faster and better manner, direct from the source.